Saturday, May 18, 2013

introductions and such

Justin Duerr in Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles
The long and short of it, is that I'm fascinated by documentaries and want to blog about them.

At times this is a genre that has a reputation for being staid or boring, and certainly some of these movies rely on formula and mediocrity. Many more still have fascinated me, scared me, angered me, or galvanized me. Some of them- like the movie pictured above- even make me feel positive and even hopeful.

This blog will discuss every documentary I watch; from the highly-acclaimed, Oscar nominated films, to those serial killer documentaries I watch at 2 a.m. I called this blog "Documenting Documentaries" because I wanted a title that gave me a bit more leeway in terms of content. Namely, I'm not just going to review the movies, I might also get into the nature of documentaries. I think the process of documentary creation is fascinating; picking topics, putting hours of footage into a narrative, creating a thesis statement out of the chaos of real life etc.

So, yes, welcome to Documenting Documentaries! I hope you enjoy this blog.

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